We see a man, possibly in his later forties, walking around a highrise apartment. He is walking around in an aimless way, his hand to his head. He's talking on a cordless phone as we hear Superman (Henry Cavil) narrating. Superman: His name was Tim. I know this because his wife said 'I love you, Tim' while she called long distance. I heard this from two city blocks away. I know that her name was Carol because he told her that he loved her, too. I know that Tim had two daughters. I know this because after Carol said I love you, she said that the girls missed him very much. I know that his daughters had brown hair, and freckled noses. I know this because I saw their pictures. Time in the apartment slows down as the walls and ceiling around Tim begin to shake. Superman: Tim was loved. He will never see Carol or his children again. He will never see them again even though I can move faster than a bullet. Even though I can fly. Even though I can lift a building Tim is dead. Because as fast as I am I will never be fast enough. I will never be strong enough. Even with all these powers at my control, Tim and others like him will die. I hear people all over. I hear how much they hate me. How they blame me for all the destruction in their lives. They call me the Boyscout in mockery and say how my life is so easy. I remember the names of every person who died while I tried to save them. I am haunted by them. I wish I were indestructible where it mattered. Tim's apartment turns to black and we see an extreme close-up of Superman's eye as the faces of all those who have died around the Man of steel rush across his pupils. We see a fast montage of faces, groups, families, friends all being torn away by explosions and energy blasts. These faces trapped in horror all blend and burn together into the back of a bald head. We pull out and see the bald head rests on the back of a well tailored suit. We pull out further and see Lex Luthor standing in front of a giant screen as athletes move across the screen. Luthor: Usain Bolt, fastest man in the world. Dennis Rogers, pound for pound the worlds strongest man. Michael Phelps, the worlds fastest swimmer. None of these human accomplishments means anything. All of human endeavors, all of our strengths are now meaningless in the face of this illegal alien. Even the most touted of Americas heroes, this Batman of Gotham city, a vigilante capable of doing what an entire police force was unable to do when they buckled at the mercy of the terrorist Bane, is tissue paper in a hurricane compared to this alien. He is not subject to our laws. He is not a citizen of our countries. He owes no loyalty to anyone but himself. In summation, gentlemen, he is this planets greatest threat. Luthor is interrupted by the clearing of a throat. Bruce Wayne: With all due respect, Mr. Luther, this alien has not shown anything other than loyalty to this country. Aside from hoping he never becomes the badguy, what could you possibly propose we could use to defend ourselves from him? Luthor: Every suit of armor has a chink. We just need to find his.
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