Apparently there is a fan edit of The Last Jedi that has all the women removed.
Regardless of the polarisation of the fan edit...does it work? The machete watching order eliminated the need to see ep. 1, and the Jar Jar edit took him completely out of the movie without affecting plot. My question is; if the female fan edit is still coherent, is this misogyny of the fans? Or is this failure of the writers to actually include a female character that is integral? If the latter, it just proves a point...that the characters were tacked on to appeal to a narrative instead of serving a story. Basically, did they "Indiana Jones: Raiders of the lost Ark" it? (The Germans would have died without Indy interfering, rendering him useless as a character) Thoughts?
Some of us will do almost anything for attention...even USE A HOT ROD ASSOCIATION AND THE OLYMPICS TO DO IT! See the trend destroying issues destroying can't miss it! Like that Talking Heads song said: How did I get here? Once again Andy "Don't call me the Bald Canadian...seriously, like, it isn't even funny anymore and we're only two episodes in" Carleton and I can't figure out how we move from topic to topic. And he hates Bruce Campbell. So I've hit a few bumps here and there for building a youtube audience and for building this site. And my editing skills are rough. Really rough. But I present to you the first in a regular series called "I Haven't Seen It...But I Disagree", where my friend Andy "the Bald Canadian" and I converse on a strange tangent of topics that go from the Grammys to...Hitler jokes.... Not sure how that happened, either. Now, without further adieu; |
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Because I fail to update daily. Archives
March 2022