In the past I've been against the legalization of marijuana, and to a large degree I still am. My reasons are that I really don't understand why anyone would want to make themselves stupid, as well as I'm against giving Somalian 12yo's guns.
That last part may be confusing so I'll explain. Follow the money. See, people think that if we legalize marijuana that the money will stay in our economy. And yes, while some of that money will stay here, most of it will be spent overseas. Not by us or our government, but by arms dealers that use the soft drug industry to fund their gun purchases. Normally groups like Hezbollah and Al Quaida use heroine, opium, or cocaine. These drugs arouse too much suspicion, and there has been shifts to the “harmless” drug of hashish and marijuana. “But I buy locally, not that mexi-brick crap”. And that's fine, Johnny. Because no one would ever think to set up a grow op on our soil, right? Of course not. And the local growers don't answer to anyone other than the government, being all nice and legal like. No person would ever sell out their country for money, either. So, since Johnny Hempseed only buys from his local provider, who only grows here in B.C., who only funnels money back into the economy and not to pay his investors. Wait. Investors? Sure. See, the hippies may hate capitalism, but drug dealers don't. Setting up a grow op isn't cheap, and going out to get a bank loan can be a little tricky. How odd would it be to get a loan for all the equipment used for hydroponics and soil and such, without drawing attention? Sadly, legalizing marijuana would not lessen these investors getting their money. It would actually increase their profits since they would no longer have to fear their soldiers... er I mean distributors getting arrested. So I propose fully legalizing it. “Wait, what?” hypothetical reader may ask. Yes. Make it fully free. And by that I mean that you can go out, grab a pound and smoke up in your back yard or down the street all you want. Hand a puff off to your friends. BUT Do not allow it to be bought or sold. Do not tax it. Create laws that state that if anyone tries to gain financially from the trade of marijuana they get an automatic sentence of one year for the first offense, and greater jail time after that. I mean that if you grow a plant or an entire crop in your back yard, no worries, no legal ramifications. If your neighbor offers to mow your lawn for a joint, jail time for both of you. Walk down the street making it rain with joints if you want. If someone hands you ten bucks for your effort; jail. “But I need to make my money back on rolling paper and electricity!” Tough luck, Johnny. Charge even a nickel for rolling a joint = jail time. Treat it like the absurd idea of taxing the air you breath. Make it horrific to even think of trying to make money off of something free. Who would bother selling pot when you could grow your own for free, and smoke it in broad daylight without repercussion? This would satisfy the hippies ideas of altruism and anti-capitalism, it would cut funds off to the cartels and terrorist cells, etc. The downside is that I would have to start dealing with potheads more. Weak willed people who are slaves to their appetites like smokers, alcoholics, and the like. Unfortunately you can never trust a person who is a slave to their appetites, for they will consume themselves and you. For more information, consult your local library and think for yourself! Also, this:
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March 2022