Mandela Effect
For the last year I’ve been made aware of the Mandela Effect... I know, many of you will stop right there, and some others will ask what that is. I’ll just give you a quick rundown of what it is. Basically the idea works like Back to the Future part 2, where the timeline is altered but only Doc and Marty know about it because they’ve taken themselves out of the loop. That’s a simplistic term, but it lays the groundwork for how to really explain it. People around the country and the world are claiming that things they’ve KNOWN for their whole lives are somehow now changing, and they theorize that they are feeling the effects of either some kind of alteration of our history. The most noted and the one where the term comes from is the belief that Nelson Mandela died in 1991. People remember this, and remember watching the funeral on t.v. Because Nelson Mandela died December 5th, 2015 it is thought by many that our timeline has been altered and for some reason Mandela was saved from that earlier death. The theory involves a lot of speculation regarding CERN, the Swiss atom smasher, to the slightly more interesting ideas that parallel universes are impinging on our reality, to the more (I feel) dubious claims that these Mandela Effects are caused by chem trails or past life regressions. I’ll deal with those in a moment. The list of ME’s (Mandela Effects) are varied, but I have experienced quite a few of my own, including the fervent memory that there was a Jiffy Peanut Butter, and that it is the “Lion shall lay down with the lamb”, and not the wolf. If you want to find out more about ME’s, there are communities on Facebook and Online, etc. If you really want a better rundown, use the fake news site Buzzfeed link here. Please, go watch a few videos on ME before you read the rest of my article. I don’t want to read comments like “Uh, that isn’t a thing, Judas...ummmm, like, that never happened, okay?” or “You’re just schizophrenic, and you’re making other people dumberer.” (So what I want to concentrate on is some of the Mandela’s that I’ve dis-proven to myself, and some that are thorns in my side. I’ll touch on some theories as well as one I’ve come up with ALL BY MYSELF! For me, everything in Jacob Isreals video has happened to me. I am a skeptical person by nature. I love playing Devil's Advocate and my wife can attest that I have ruined many a Ghost Hunters episode by saying “It’s the wind”, even when it was clearly not the wind (but probably a rat or cockroach). Even though I think ghosts do exist, I’m the first to try to disprove that they do. I digress.) Has the Mandela Effect altered our bone structure? There is a theory that the human skull never had bone behind the eyes. Many people claim that “someone” has altered our timeline or patched another dimension onto ours and we never used to have bones behind our eyes. Think back to movies and tv shows you may have watched. Movies like One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Sucker Punch, or Session 9. In those movies, they describe somewhat accurately how a lobotomy is performed: an ice pick is inserted behind the eye, a hammer breaks through bone, an upward motion and a sideways motion scar the frontal lobe, and voila! You have turned a person into a vegetable. Now juxtapose that information to how you see the human skull. From the earliest black and white films (where they used real human skulls in horror films), we have developed an idea of what a skull should look like. (What is interesting is that I learned about what I am going to tell you from a combination of film study and forensic science, and it leads into what is known as a knowledge gap.) The bones in those old films lent a persistence of culture. What you are experiencing wrt the human anatomy isn't Mandela Effect (and this is coming from a believer). So how could this mistake happen? Why does our memory want to argue with reality? Our brains sort and organize information by similar input. Like how when you learn language and English for "rock" and Japanese for "rock" are both attached to the concept we hold of "rock". To a child learning a new language, when they learn their first language (e.g. English), they don’t create a dictionary in their head, they hear the words and map them to an idea that the words represent. This is why people frequently misquote films, they remember what the quote meant, not what the words were. So when the child learns a second language, they hear "Iwa" as being Japanese, but map it to the idea of “rock”. Then when they hear “pieddra” they hear it as Spanish but map that to the idea of a rock, too. This means the child only has to learn about the idea of a rock once, but can then link that idea up to many languages or synonyms for rock. The same idea follows for how you learned about human anatomy. You are remembering correctly, this must be enforced. You watched cartoons, movies like Jason and the Argonauts, or maybe Evil Dead and Army Of Darkness, and you created a meme in your head about how skulls and skeletons should look. Later, say in biology class, this idea is mapped again just like the new language you may learn. However, when you juxtapose that memory meme with biology meme later, you get a disassociation; you are misapplying that memory due to the associations made in your brain. That's why the issue of "when I was younger skulls didn’t have bones in the eye" and your understanding of bone structure are at odds. You are remembering perfectly, but from different memory sets that have been stored in the same location. It would be something overlooked...something that you just take for granted until someone points it out. Like we just drink milk. We never really think “HEY! These are the glandular secretions of a large mammal. Who ever thought to do this?” I've drawn the same conclusions, and made the same mistake. When our bodies rot, the bone behind the eye becomes brittle and often breaks away easily. So the kinds of sketches you see in old anatomy books aren't wrong, and the plaster casts that create the molds for the fiberglass skeletons we see in the classroom often break off that bone during the fabrication process. It doesn’t help that Hollywood used to use ACTUAL (damaged) skulls in early horror films, and that set an esthetic precedent for future films; an anatomically correct skull looked “odd” to the early movie going public based on what was seen before. Living people have the bone behind the eye. After death it usually breaks away due to its thin nature and the putrefaction of the eye jelly. There are a few videos on youtube that go into great detail of the changes they have felt, and I’ll post one here. Go ahead and watch it. I’ll wait. Doctor Explains Mandela Effect Body Changes - Compares Body Then to Now 2017 Okay. I’m not going to address the whole video because...that’d take too long. "The doctor laughed because I had a monkey tail"...because YOU did, but the fact that everyone has that means he was obviously teasing this guy and felt bad. Some tail bones are narrow, some are thick. They vary, and often anatomy books show what is common, not the exceptions UNLESS it's about aberrations.. Also, the skeleton referred to in the House on Haunted a Ray Harryhausen skeleton (Remember Jason and the Argonauts, and Army of Darkness?). They are stylized to appear sinister by the curving of bones, and the arching of eye sockets. Sometimes how we remember something isn't a Mandela. We didn't notice it because at the time we may not have fully understood what we were looking for. In literature, history books, pop culture and in medical books the way to perform a lobotomy is, yes, to go through the right temporal lobe. But the purpose of the ice pick is two fold: to break through the small bone at the back of the eye and poke the brain.. This process causes the bruising around the eye. If there was no bone, the chances of bruising would be slim to nil. Pop culture and the fragility of skulls have led to a permeating idea that skulls have blank eye sockets with no bone behind them. I found this out from a forensic anthropology book published in the 90's called Dead Men Do Tell Tales (link here) and various history books about special effects in Hollywood. So I don't believe that this is in fact a Mandela, but a "gap in knowledge" or what I call "chain of events". That is, there is a rational explanation why people remember there being no bone in the back because the mistake has been documented and follows a narrative. Mandala (ish. Connections at least.) Unlike Febreze, or Jiffy peanut butter, or the Bible and the Lion verses (below) that SO many people KNOW one way, that would have to have been taught that way in order for it to be so proliferated, they have no chain of events leading to why there is a difference in memory and the history of those products and verses. If there was a chain of events explaining the mistake, we could dismiss it. I will use another example for the Bible ME: “Forgive us our trespasses” against “Forgive us our debts”.* This one was attempted to be explained away by some people saying that a lone edition of the Book of Common prayer written in the 1500’s is the reason why some people remember trespass instead of debts. To me that makes NO sense. Why? Because for that to be carried over 400 years, generation after generation of people who read and could quote the bible chapter and verse, does not explain it. That was one printing. And they’re telling me that’s why people remember “trespass” instead of “debt”....people raised on versions of the bible that had “debt” and did NOT have “trespass” somehow just overlooked it? Not only their whole lives but the lives of family going back generations? I know literacy is kind of a recent thing, but someone along the way should have noticed! That’s why this is an ME for me (and not just because I felt it), but because the explanation does not fit at all. I was raised on the King James, bitch. How The Closing of the Knowledge Gap is Both Contributing To and Closing the Idea of the Mandela Effect With the proliferation of information available on the WWW, more people are learning. And that learning is causing distress because they are learning that the world is not how they think (or remember) that it is. Many grew up their whole lives thinking that their kidneys were in their back: this comes from the fact that when the kidneys are in pain it is a quirk that the pain is felt in our lower back, even though the kidneys are below the ribs. When they learn the actual position of where the kidneys are this causes a distress, because the new information HAS to be wrong. They've always "known" that the kidneys were in their back. Sometimes this is also because of poor biology courses in school, or the idea that is pushed that pigs are almost identical to human anatomy (a pigs kidneys ARE lower than their rib cage). People have more access to information. Sometimes that information causes anxiety, so they start a blog or join a group of like minded people, and it becomes a kind of echo chamber. All these different ideas about what has happened in the past is causing people serious distress. And it could be dismissed that people are just plain old insane. And for that I give you this postulation: Medulla Oblongata** When three people are interviewed regarding witnessing a crime, you will get three different stories. BUT With Mandela effect you will interview three different people who all say the same thing and agree on key points, yet their memories do not corroborate with what is perceived to have actually happened. This has happened with people who have NOT discussed the changes, or known each other before being asked, or have been asked randomly if they are known to each other. The statistical improbability of thousands of people of different ethnicity, geographic location, social standing, etc. all having the same story is staggering. To have a hundred people agree on something that never happened while simultaneously being present or alive during the event is astronomical. So one of the answers for people having ME’s is that we all have confabulation. The problem with that lies in explaining what confabulation is: The answer is that it means we all have dementia, are all blackout drunk at the same time, or have all come into contact with the same or similar toxic materials, and brain damage. The problem with that? The numbers don't reflect any of those issues. Mandela effect doesn't really sit well with how memories work, either: Seven Sins Of Memory Since the memories we have are shared by others, in very specific ways, and even though generally the brain works the same way from person to person, for this many people to come to these ME conclusions regardless of the gap of information OR chain of consequence does not beg dismissal. But that might just be me. What the F*ck is Going On? Some believe that CERN is behind all of this. That somehow they’ve either altered the past or patched a new dimension onto our old dimension, and all these ME’s are the results of different histories. There is a seemingly damning piece of evidence regarding this in CERNs own promo video with Dr John Ellis holding up a sign that says "Bond 1" on one piece of cardboard, and "Mandela" on another. Considering Mandela hadn't died in our timeline at the year this was uploaded (2014) does seem...odd. If you want to see a 360 degree of his office check it here.) ME could be something similar to the Butterfly Effect movie...where the old timeline is remembered and new neural pathways are opened up. Some believe that since people with RH O- blood types have an enlarged cerebellum perhaps it was possible that this was the reason why some people remembered a timeline that never happened. Another theory I had was that the different branching universes (you know: for every choice we make a universe splits off where we made a different choice) crossed each other like train tracks. Each timeline is going in it's own direction with minor variants that cross over ours, and we are left with residual effects. CERN does have a "Dancing Shiva" statue at their facility, and Shiva danced the universe into existence. Interestingly, Shiva is used in Mandala's (ornate ritual symbols representing the universe and it's connectivity to itself), and CERN appears to be playing around with reality. Another theory I had was a version of quantum entanglement: that since the particles, molecules etc, were all spinning in the same way when the universe split, a sort of weird communication was created between the two universes. So we aren't "remembering" anything, we are communicating with another universe. Sort of like surfing the web looking for information. We send a "memory" request for information, and our brain picks up the symbiotic universe (or database) and we get Wikipedia instead of encyclopedia Britannica. Just some thoughts. The final thought that I have is that the people suffering from ME are the cause of all the temporal issue. Imagine that the different universes do cross over, and it’s a natural process. But now we’re in a massive tug of war, with some people fighting over what is real. This tugging is pulling other realities into our own, as well as ripping other realities apart. The solution to all these Mandelas might just be the ME community coming together and saying “We accept reality to be the way it is now.” It might be the only way to stay sane. A final theory involves religion, specifically the book of Revelation (and to those ME sufferers, Revelations): What if some ME sufferers have a different manifestation in that they can see potential futures? We are on the cusp of a lot of technological advancements in things like artificial intelligence, quantum physics, nanotechnology. Now imagine you live 2,000 ago and you see a vision of a robot becoming self aware. How would you describe it? This object that looks like a human but is not alive suddenly starts walking around and talking, but you have no deeper understanding. to you, it is a statue that has been made to walk and talk...a magical and ominous miracle. The Man of Evil, Revelation says, will erect a statue to honor the beast with the mortal wound which healed. Sounds like someone who is terrible is given the ability to download their consciousness into an artificial body to me. So past ME sufferers saw changes happening, wrote it down, and have been trying to warn us of a seemingly inevitable future. And we are now seeing and feeling the results. But that's just a theory. Or even an idea for a new novel.....I CALL DIBS! I do want to make this clear, if you've made it this far and you think I'm dumping on ME sufferers, I am not and I don't think you are crazy. For me, the greatest way to figure out what really is going on is comparing our notes, and trying to find actual patterns, no matter how crazy they may seem. I personally don't subscribe to the re-incarnation ideas because it does not seem applicable to be the Queen of Sheba in a former life and remember a squiggle on the Ford "F" logo. That doesn't mean I'm right about it, it just means I haven't seen enough evidence to point to this being the right direction to move in. While Chem trails seem tantalizing, the logistics of it just don't work for me. It means that over 40,000 pilots, air traffic controllers, Security Professionals and on and on, are all involved in spraying psychotropic DDT on their families, wives, children, cousins, neighbors, their own homes and even on themselves. That's too many loose threads, and it's why I don't believe it does apply to the ME. But if you do believe these things, I don't think you're crazy. I don't think you are right, but that does not mean I think you are crazy or a moron. We are all trying to figure things out in this, and some people feel (like I do) that we have proof one way or another. I'm probably crazy to people that have known me for years. So that's my little diatribe! Let me know what you think, send me some messages. My next article will be (hopefully) completely different, and when and if I revisit this topic, I hope to have more interesting things to say. *The implication for the ME is actually quiet bothersom. Some may say "who cares, it's one word". But the word has incredible implications on how the verse is applied. With "tresspass", the idea is that we sometimes cross boundaries we shouldn't, be it emotional or spiritual or even literally other peoples property. "Debt" involves some level of slavery, or an "owed" mentality. Forgiving a debt is different from forgiving an offense. And if you can control how people interpret, then you can control how they enact that belief. **Not really, since the Medulla Oblongata helps regulate breathing, heart and blood vessel function, digestion, sneezing, and swallowing. The hippocampus, the amygdala, the cingulate gyrus, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the epithalamus, the mammillary body and other organs, many of which are of particular relevance to the processing of memory. Medulla just sounded better.
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