I had a dream I was Thor last night. I had a horse that had ice for hooves so he could run on lava, but he got trapped in a cave in a volcano and died anyway.
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I call this blog "Failed Daily" because I fail to blog daily.
I finally left my section to go onto an upgrading course. One of the things I noticed before I left was lack of true leadership. Ahem. That last little part was a pause for those in the know. So several things piqued my interest. Our Fearless Organizer (heretofore to be know as Mr. DoubleTalk), felt it was necessary to place on his office door the definition of "Leadership". I don't know if it was to show us how ineffective he is, but that's what I took away from it. As one person pointed out: "He's already in a leadership position, shouldn't have have that above his desk to remind him of what he has to do? Leadership is taught by example, not correcting your subordinates on how to lead." Then a co-worker got pulled over by a cop who originally pulled him over because....well, apparently there wasn't a reason until she noticed his insurance tags were one day out of date. As she was berating him and telling him how "his parents should be ashamed" he was on his cell with the insurance company and they were bringing him new stickers. She then told him that she was going to call his work and tel them what he had done. Well, he screwed up any defense he had by calling her a very dirty name. BUT when he told Mr. DoubleTalk (who has 5 pending harassment charges) what had happened Mr. DoubleTalk tried to get him a write-up for unprofessionalism. He wasn't dressed for work, going to work, or near work when it happened. This is the person who also tried to squash my promotion. Thankfully my department worked around him and I (apparently) have friends in high places, who pushed back his complaint and promoted me. My only reason to stay with this (aside from my family, we have a chance at being relocated to Colorado!) is possibly gaining a position of authority and acting as some kind of buffer from stupidity against this guy. If I ever became his boss I would make him truly understand where he stepped off the path. Leadership: the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. It makes for poor leadership when you're goal is to keep others down. Native Americans discovered monotheism too, quite without European influence. There was a prophet, born on Catalina Island evidently who operated primarily out of the future site of Los Angeles and preached that all other religions were evil and had to go. There was also Dekinawideh and Hiawatha, but I digress. In particular he demonized Coyote, the relatively benevolent Promethean figure up until that time, making him out to be the Evil One. The new religion spread widely through the southwest. Funny how history repeats itself, doesn't it? I note with interest that certain New Age faiths, despite being fairly mellow about most things, are almost unanimous in their tendency to demonize Christianity and (as the Christians did before them) distort history to suit their own world picture. Well, so it goes... I'm more of an old-fashioned animist, myself
Why "Failed Daily"?
Because I fail to update daily. Archives
March 2022