Here's the source.
DEAR JERKASS: A childhood friend of mine died from cervical cancer. "Katy" died because she didn't go to her OB/GYN for annual Pap smears. She was a beautiful, intelligent, talented wife and mother who was responsible in every other way. Katy simply couldn't face a pelvic exam because throughout her childhood she had been molested by her father. I know it's true, because her father molested me, too. Katy's doctor told her that had it been caught in the early stages, her cancer would have been curable. She hadn't been to see her OB/GYN since her last child was born nine years before. Because of what her father did to her, she was unable to allow anyone other than her husband to touch her. Abby, my friend suffered during the time between her diagnosis and her death. She fought to stay alive for her husband and children, whom she loved with all her heart. But in the end, cancer took her, and her family will suffer for years to come. PLEASE remind every woman and sexually active teenage girl about the importance of a yearly exam. Those who feel they can't deal with the exams should force themselves to talk to their OB/GYN and explain their fear. Otherwise, the sexual predators win again. I think they should be held accountable for the deaths for which they are ultimately responsible. -- SICK OF MOLESTERS DEAR SICK, While I'll agree that broads should have their cooches checked regularly, I'll argue your friend being intelligent or responsible. Though, it is customary to speak of dead people like they were saints, so you have social grace going for you in that way. Hopefully, if I die, people will have the common sense and basic integrity to say what a jerk I am. I will agree to the point regarding letting the pedo's win. I have said it before and I'll say it again; allowing the degenerates to affect ANY choices you make in life is giving them power. STOP BEING VICTIMS! If everyone else can go to the doctor, and you don't because some whack job diddled you, all you are saying is that you want someone to control your life. What happened to you was not your fault, and therefore should have the addition of zero to your life. If it wasn't your fault but you let it stop you from anything, then you are complicit. It is her fault for getting cancer, because she chose to be a victim. If a man walked into your house and pointed a gun at you or your children, that person is wrong. If you just stand there while they shoot your children, and you do nothing, you are wrong too. I don't care what anyone else says. This guy shot your friend with cancer, and took her away from her children. And she did nothing. People, if someone has molested you, find out online where you can either start a petition, or sign one, that chemically castrates pedophiles. The recidivism rate for pedo's is %100. At best you can teach them to avoid children, but they will still have perverted thoughts and fantasies. And rat them out. Unless you can find a better form of revenge, then do that.
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Judas' Advice Column
This is where I take a Dear Abby column, and add my own brand of advice. I started by calling it Dear Crabby, but that's taken and JERKASS seems more fun. Archives
September 2018