Here's Abbys article.
She focused more on the etiquette of a phone call. People on their cell while driving piss me off. I assume this woman is not using a bluetooth or hands free headset when she drives, though. Here you go: DEAR CRABBY: I have a friend who lives a few states away. We talk on the phone every week. Either she calls me or I call her. Every time she calls me, it's when she is driving somewhere. As soon as she arrives at her destination or pulls up in her driveway, she says, "I'm home (here) now. Gotta go!" and hangs up. This has been going on for years. I stay on the phone all the time she rambles on and never cut her short. It's really starting to get to me. What should I do? -- FUMING IN FLORIDA Dear Fuming, Get a second phone handy. Next time she calls you, call her local police and tell them where she is, her license plate, etc. Driving while on a cell is dangerous and in most places, illegal. Do this every time she calls you. And when she does call you, ask her to call you back when she's home so that you can have an actual conversation. Do this if you want to end the friendship. Otherwise, if she is your friend, you can tell her openly and honestly how you feel. She might be calling you from the road because it's the only way to talk to you, because she's busy. And even though she's busy she wants to talk to you. But really, it's taken years for you to complain about it? Seems like you're just looking for an excuse to stop talking to her. Very kindergarten.
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Judas' Advice Column
This is where I take a Dear Abby column, and add my own brand of advice. I started by calling it Dear Crabby, but that's taken and JERKASS seems more fun. Archives
September 2018