Here's where I got it.
DEAR JERKASS: I'm a lifelong New York resident; my husband is not. So when he had an opportunity to move to Houston to be closer to his only brother, he desperately wanted to move. My children are grown and on their own, so no problem there. Although leaving my career, my mother and my children to move so far away was difficult for me, my husband doesn't have much of a family, so I knew it was important to him. He never had children, and he wanted to be part of his niece's and nephew's lives. So we moved. Now we're treated like we don't exist! We're not invited to family events, they never visit us and we're not included during holidays. These are the people who begged us for the last 13 years to move to Texas. I want to return to New York. He doesn't want to go. I'm afraid if I insist, I'll need to move back alone. Should I risk my marriage over it? -- HOMESICK FOR NEW YORK DEAR TMNT FAN, Have you invited your in-laws over for special occasions or holidays? I'm sure you think simply moving to an area automatically makes you part of the scene, being from New York and all. Difference here is, in order to get anything, you have to give. Unless you left that part out of the letter I suggest doing all the things you think your in-laws should do. Spoiled brat. Waaahhh, I don't do anything and people ignore me for it! Bwaaahh.
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Judas' Advice Column
This is where I take a Dear Abby column, and add my own brand of advice. I started by calling it Dear Crabby, but that's taken and JERKASS seems more fun. Archives
September 2018